Friday, November 26, 2010

Unconditional love when I've done something stupid!

Every now and then I do something stupid. Well today's stupid thing was to watch a "how to" video on you tube and then attempt task. The task: cutting my 20 month old grandson's hair.

Yep, It looked easy enough. Except. The lady was cutting her son's hair and he was probably 16 or 17 years old. My grandson is 20 months old!!

I decided to try it anyways. Needless to say he wouldn't sit still. I tried with the scissors and gave up. But then I got to looking and thought....wait, I can try to fix it with the clippers. I hope you are laughing out loud at this point.

I tried with the 1/2 inch clippers and needless to say did some serious damage. I was pretty upset about it when I looked at him and he had a big gap in the front of his bang area.

Now what do I do?? Well, I certainly didn't stop there. I put him in the tub and decided to finish the job while he was wet! Maybe he would stay preoccupied in the tub!

So, what did I learn from this experience?

1. Never do what a professional should do.
2. A 20 month old will not stay still even if he has an oreo in his hand.
3. Oreo cookies look nasty with hair on them.
4. My grandson doesn't care what his hair looks like.
5. My grandson loves me unconditionally.
6. Hair will grow back.
Last but not I was crying because I felt like I did my grandson a total injustice today he looked up at me with that great big smile of his and I was reminded that when I screw up... God, just like my grandson, still looks at me and smiles!

Living Loved,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Walk Your Child to School

Sometime last week we received a phone call from the school letting us know that the upcoming Tuesday was walk your child to school day. Never heard of that before. Do you think that I remembered this morning? No.

I don't know what it is like for you in the mornings but for me it is craziness, to say the least. I should also mention that I am a very task-oriented person. I have a list when I wake up and I need to get that list done in 24 hours.

On my way to drop of my 9 year old daughter this morning we passed by the area that parents were to park so that they could walk their kids to school for the walk your child to school day. I was thinking....Crap, I forgot about that. I glanced at the clock and it said 7:25. I looked at my daughter and said, "I'm sorry, I just don't have time plus we talk every day on the way to school."

I turned to pull down to drop off my daughter and to make myself and her feel better about the situation I said, "See, we are not the only ones not walking to school today." There was a car pulling out of the school. I proceed to drop off my daughter, tell her I love her and then pull off looking back noticing that the kids that had their parents "walk them" to school were in a line to receive a free backpack and a water bottle.

As I was leaving I looked down at the clock and it said 7:28. I should mention here that I am a teacher at a near by school and have 1st period planning and I have to be there by 7:45. I immediately called my husband and started telling him what a terrible parent I was......but wait....I told my husband, "I've gotta go", he said, "What's wrong." I said, "I gotta go."

I pulled down into the elementary school, called them and had them have my daughter come to the office. I walked into the front door and saw her and she looked at me and said, "What are you doing Mom?" I said with tears in my eyes, "I am making time for you. You are important to me and I DO have time to walk you to school." So, needless to say we went to the place where all the other parents were parking and I walked my child to school today. I saw parents, grandparents, aunt's, etc. walking children to school. This might not be a big deal but my daughter was really excited to get that backpack and water bottle. That might be the only thing that she got out of the experience but it taught me something very important. If I don't make time for what is important to me then the time won't be there.

I was about 2 minutes late for school but nobody missed me and I felt like the best Mom in the world!

I've always wanted to be a leader. When I realized that leading meant being others focused I realized that I was never going to be a leader. I've been praying lately that God would help me to be more others focused. To me this story is proof that God answers our prayers sometimes in the most subtlest manner!

Living Loved and Freely,

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Search for Significance stops here!

I had a friend over for coffee the other morning and she posed a question to me about a blog that I recently wrote and this is my response:

Question at hand: Are you searching for significance in this?

I believe that God has placed desires within me. I believe that when God is gracious enough to give me a passion and a gift for something that I should share it. Therefore, I share!

I have found my significance in Christ. I am a child of God. God breathed life into me. God sent his son to die on the cross for my sins. God has a plan just for me. God has a purpose just for me.

All of the above makes me very significant to one. The ONE called I AM, I am trying to please!

Thank you God for making me significant to you!

Living Loved and Freely,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Birthday Present from.....

“...the door flew open, and he was looking directly into the face of a large beaming African-American woman....she engulfed him in her arms, lifting him clear off his feet and spinning him around like a little child...But something in the way that she looked at him and yelled his name made him equally delighted to see her too, even though he didn’t have a clue who she was. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by the scent emanating from her, and it shook him. It was the smell of flowers with overtones of gardenia and jasmine, unmistakably his mother’s perfume...Meanwhile, this woman stood there with her arms outstretched as if they were the very arms of his mother. He felt the presence of love. It was warm, inviting, melting.” (The Shack, pg 80-81)

I love the picture I get in my mind when I read the above from the book called “The Shack.” It makes me remember a person in my life that makes me feel that way when I think of him. That person is my Grandpa Pelton. He was a very friendly, warm, strong, loving, and fun man of God. He passed away March 31, 1989. I was 18.

When someone you love very much dies there is a part of you that feels abandoned.

Today is my 40th birthday. A couple of months ago my mother gave me something that she found while she was cleaning out my grandparents things. It was a necklace that my Grandpa gave to my Grandma on their 40th wedding anniversary. It has an E on the front (because my grandmother’s name was Esther) and it has an inscription on the back. I left it in a drawer until today. I pulled it out of the drawer this morning and as I put it on with tears in my eyes it was like my Grandpa was wishing me a Happy Birthday. It was a huge reminder of my Grandpa’s warmth and a huge reminder that God will never abandon me.

I know that God loves me unconditionally and I’m so thankful for his love. People come and go and I’ll go one day too. I love how God has reminded me today through the gift of my Grandfather that he will never abandon me. This gift comes from God and this gift comes from one of the men that I viewed was as close to God on heaven as there will be.

Thank you God

for creating my Grandpa

Thank you God

for creating me

Thank you God

for giving me

Forty Wonderful Years

so far!

Living Loved andFreely,


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fear, because of his Love for you

I called you so often, but you wouldn't come. I reached out to you but you paid no attention. You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered.

This is what happened at the beach. Her children were swimming out in the ocean.
She called them so often to come back in because they were going too far out.

So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you--when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone, and anguish and distress overwhelm you.

She saw her children getting too far out in the ocean again and now there is a decision to make.....

When they cry for help, I will not answer. Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me. For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord. (The ocean current).

They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. (Their mother's warning)

Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. For simpletons turn away from me--to death. Fools are destroyed by their own complacency. (Her children did not realize how small they were compared to the ocean and it's strong current)

But wait....there's more. Perfect loves drives out all fear. The decision was "I must save my children."

In a moment, a mother's love for her children overcame the fear of the oceans current, overcame the anger towards disobedient children, and she overcame the fear of loosing her own life.

Didn't God do this for us? his children. God came in human form. His name was Jesus. He overcame the fear of loosing his own life to save us, his children. He overcame his anger towards his disobedient children, because Jesus took our punishment for our sins.

Just like the mother in this story. She wanted her children to Fear the ocean and it's current for their own protection. God wants us to fear him so that we will listen to his wisdom. God wants us to know his love for us and know that what he is telling us is for our safety and protection.

But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.

All Scripture is italicized above and listed below:
Scripture used Proverbs 1:24-33
Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom, Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgement.
1 John 4:18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Never Alone Again

The moment you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart is the moment when you no longer had to be alone again.

When Jesus died on the cross for your sins and was raised from the dead that meant that he was who he said he was. He is the son to the Father, God. When Jesus left this earth after he was resurrected from the dead he promised us an Advocate once he was gone. This Advocate is called the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives within you if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Therefore, the moment you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart is the moment when your life became no longer solo.

As I was riding my bike today I was alone. Matter of fact from 6:45a.m. to 11:30a.m. this morning I was alone. Alone by human standards.

In reality I was not alone because I have asked Jesus into my heart. He is always with me!
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, he is with you too! Amazing and Awesome and not Alone!

Thank you Father!

Living Loved and Freely,


Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm a butterfly

This time of year brings about butterflies which have always been a neat thing to me.

When I was a child I remember catching caterpillars and then putting them in a jar and waiting and watching them build a cocoon around themselves then all of a sudden after about a couple of weeks there would be a butterfly in the jar and I'd release it outside.

Now a days you don't have to catch your own caterpillar. You can actually order them here. We did this one time with our daughter.

What I just realized is that the transition of the caterpillar to the butterfly resembles accepting Jesus into my heart.

When I asked Jesus into my heart I was reborn. Like the butterfly. New creation in Christ.

Now I can fly and I sure am alot more prettier too! Not on the outside but on the inside which should reflect on the outside too.

So, from now on when you see a butterfly. Remember this, you too are a new creation if you've ever asked Jesus into your heart! You ARE a beautiful butterfly and you ARE being carried by the wind (the Holy Spirit) and you ARE allowed to flap your wings and fly!

Have a happy day through Jesus Christ!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!

Dear God,
Thank you for making me brand new and beautiful like the butterfly. Thank you for creating the caterpillar and transitioning it into a beautiful butterfly that can soar and remind me of what you did for me when you sent your son to die on the cross for me.

Living Loved and Freely,


Thursday, June 24, 2010

What?? You're not going to church anymore?

Why is it as Christians your either going to church and being good or not going to church and being bad. There seems to be no inbetween for most people.

I've attended church off and on since I was a little girl. I got baptized when I was 8 and went to church most Sunday a.m., Sunday p.m. and Wednesday p.m., plus VBS during the summertime, visitation on Tuesdays, etc., etc.

When I entered my teen years I started to fall away from Christ. I'd have to say that most teens do unless they are just smart.

I was out of church for quite some time and yes, I was not going to church and I WAS BEING BAD! I ended up a divorced, single mother who smoke and drank most of the time. I was, to say the least, pretty miserable and selfish back in the day.

God wasn't finished with me yet. I ended up marrying a great guy-yep, Daniel, and started going back to church and started being good again. I got soooo goood that I started really judging those that didn't go to church and judging those that didn't follow the rules that I was following. I know, real good huh?

I was just like most people who go to church. I was doing my part in the Christian walk and I was better than anybody who wasn't doing theirs.

Let me just say that no church is a perfect church. Churches are full of imperfect people. Seriously wacked out people at that! I was one of them.

About 8 years into Daniel and myself attending church we started to get very critical of things. Let's just say that we saw the imperfections of things. (Did I mention I'm very judgmental...I didn't claim to be perfect!) We both started to feel the pull to pull out of church. We, both of us, felt the Holy Spirit leading us out of church.

So, your question is like it was mine..."Why would God want you to stop attending church?"
#1. Hindsight is 20/20
#2. Church is not God
#3. Leaders are not God
#4. Church cannot be my savior
#5. I became part of God's church when I asked Jesus into my heart
#6. Church is not a building
#7. Trust God with your next step
#8. Too much influence is not good influence
#9. Time to focus in on what we need to focus on (be Holy Spirit led)
10. This is the next season for us

#1. Hindsight is 20/20: Wow, what an understatement. I didn't realize the bondage that I was in until I stepped out of church. I've felt more freedom in Christ since I've stepped out. I'm more Holy Spirit driven rather than rule driven. (Being rule driven made me very judgmental)
#2. Church is not God. I was very afraid to stop going to church. All my life I thought that going to church was just what good Christians did. Not if the church has become your God.
#3. Leaders are not God. Some leaders can be viewed as Gods. I was unhealthy as I entered church and I was looking for 2 things-- significance and security-- and I found those things in the leadership and just by attending.
#4. Church cannot be my savior. As long as I was attending church and doing what I was supposed to be doing I felt safe.
#5. I am a church. When Jesus entered my heart I became part of his body. All believers are part of the body of Christ whether or not they attend church on a regular basis or not. I can serve others, love others, etc. without having a church to call home because Jesus is home in my heart!
#6. Church is not a buildling. goes with #5.
#7. Trust God with your next step. This was so HUGE for me. Church brought so much significance and security to my life that I doubted the Holy Spirits calling for me to step out of church. I fought God on this for at least 6 months. The next step for me was to trust that God would be with me if I came out from underneath the umbrella of the church.
#8. Too much influence is not good influence. We had so much influence and advice we didn't know what to do with it. It almost drowned out what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell us as a couple and as individuals.
#9. Time to focus in. As a couple and as individuals we needed to know what direction God wanted us to go in for our marriage and ourselves. We want to know what God has intended for us, not what humans have intended for us. We needed to learn how to trust the voice within, the Holy Spirit.
#10. For a season. We feel like not attending church is for a season for us. If you were to ask either of us if this is forever we'd probably both say, "No, just where we need to be right now." Neither one of us feel spirit led to attend anywhere specific or anywhere at all. We are focusing in on hearing God's voice, the desire to follow his voice and the courage to do what it is he is asking us to do.

Some of the people I used to attend church with have made comments like, "I miss you.", "Hope everything is okay?" , "Did something bad happen?", "Are you going to church anywhere?"

Hope this blog answers those questions.

I must also say that the church we attended for 9 years of our marriage taught us many great things about God and ourselves and we are thankful. We met many brothers and sisters in Christ there and even though we no longer attend there we still view you as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We hope that you view us the same as well. No matter what, if you claim to be a Christ follower and I do too then we are related through Christ!

Living Loved and Freely,


Happy 21st Birthday Dianna!

Your Impact!

21. Your friendship (because your no longer a little girl)
20. Your love for your son (because you became a mother this year)
19. Your jazzy dance moves (at Chipola)
18. Your laziness (in sleeping in until 12 or 1 or 2 or 3)
17. Your determination (graduation from BHS and getting scholarships)
16. Your drive (I ain't talking about your driving abilities either!)
15. Your cry (relationship heartbreak)
14. Your laugh (always brings me joy)
13. Your love (started for more than just Mom and Dad)
12. Your jealousy (new step-dad and sister)
11. Your stage presence (when you won your first pageant title)
10. Your smile (always happy to see this)
9. Your beauty (everyone said so)
8. Your forgiveness (you suffered and forgave)
7. Your support (when I made a difficult choice)
6. Your fun side (when we'd go to White Springs)
5. Your talent (when you sang, "Hello Operator")
4. Your intelligence (when you'd outsmart me to get a toy)
3. Your thick hair (that I would brush and blow dry)
2. Your temper (Got me upset many times)
1. Your brown eyes (Like Grandpa Pelton's)
0. Your a girl! (I wanted a girl)

21 years ago I didn't realize all the joy having a daughter would bring. I'm so thankful and blessed to have you in my life. I hope you have a great 21st birthday! Looking forward to the ways that you will continue to impact my life as my daughter! Love you Nanner!

Your Mom!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

...And we are witnesses of this fact!

In the book of Acts Peter and John heal a crippled man. The only reason they are able to do this is because Jesus gave them the power to do it. (Acts Ch 3)

What about my life is a witness of the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead?

I don't think I can tell you. I think that people that knew me before and know me now could tell you how my life is a witness for Christ and what he has done for me.

What I see is different about me is that I no longer smoke, I'm not quite as selfish as before, I'm getting to be other's focused, I'm more willing to admit that I'm wrong.

I just think that it is so amazing that Peter and John were able to heal a lame man because Jesus gave them the power to do it so that their actions could be a witness to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah and he died on the cross and was raised from the dead.

How are my actions witnessing the power of Jesus lives within me? Am I even tapping into that? I know I haven't healed a lame man recently or ever.

I guess reading that this morning made me ponder that question of how is my life a witness of that fact? Maybe you can ponder it too about your life and let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I want to be limestone and/or sandstone.

On April 18, 2010, my husband, daughter and myself went on a canoe trip together. I've never been canoeing before. It turned out to be a very relaxing and fun time for us all.

We canoed on what's called the Econfina creek. What I can now tell you about this creek is that it has a couple of natural springs. Matter of fact, there is a bottled water company created from this creek.

I've never seen a bubbling spring before. My husband pulled up to a spring so that I could look down into it. The water was extremely clear and as I looked down from the canoe it looked like diamonds were popping out of nowhere. It was really dark underneath those diamonds. You could also see that the water was slowly bubbling up to the surface. Beautiful! Breathless!

I got fixated on this bubbling spring for a couple of weeks. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. Took a walk thinking about it.

I'd like to think that I'm a thinker. I can think about one little thing for a long time and just tear it apart (or analyze it to death)! I'm also a believer and lover of Jesus Christ.

In John Ch 4 there is a story told about a woman who goes to a well to try to get some water out of it. She runs into Jesus sitting there. Jesus asks her for a drink of water. The woman is shocked because this jew shouldn't even want to talk to her because of who she is. Jesus says to her, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me and I would give YOU living water."

Her reply, "But sir, you don't have a rope or a bucket and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?...."

Jesus replied, "Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will NEVER be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."

So, what exactly is the water that Jesus gives? It's living water like a bubbling spring. Did you know that water that comes out of a bubbling spring is pure and drinkable? Basically cleaned up rain water!

So how do we get the water in? Well, where does the water for the spring come from? First, it has to rain! I believe the water that Jesus gives comes into our lives like rain. It's either by one sprinkle, a few drops or a bucket at a time.

One sprinkle could be a kiss or a kind word from someone, either a friend or foe
A few drops could be a sermon, a good book or advice from a friend
A bucket of water could be a painful experience that you've come out of, a healing touch, laughter

Here's the question? How much rain does it take to become a bubbling spring?

Well in John 7: 37 it says..."Anyone who is thirsty may come to me. 38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink for the Scriptures declare, "Rivers of living water WILL FLOW from the heart of anyone who believes in me."

According to this scripture as long as we believe in Jesus then living water WILL FLOW from us. Sounds to me like we don't have to "do" anything to get this flow of water. We just need to accept Jesus into our hearts and wait for the rain. This verse is a promise and guarantee that if we believe we will be a bubbling spring. Bubbling spring= beauty, diamonds, overflow, pure, fresh.

Did you know the process that rain water has to go through to become a bubbling spring? Well, I didn't either so I googled it. Check out this video.

So, rain comes down like I said earlier, then we have to be permeable (or weak) to allow the rain water to seep deep down into us. If we are impervious like asphalt then the water just evaporates. Have you ever seen pavement when the sun is beating down on it after a rain? The water just evaporates and it looks alot like steam! So, if the rain water doesn't have time to go beyond the surface then it just looks like steam. Mmm?

How many times have I received some rain from God and attempted to do too much and then I ended up letting out alot of steam? Got burnt out (not by the sun in the sky), angry and tired. Help me count the times!!

When we wait and have patience then it gives the rain the time to seep in and go beyond the surface. The deeper it goes the purer it becomes. I like the fact that Mr. Jones said in the video that rain water is full of impurities. That is so true. We get alot of our rain from others and unless it is coming direclty from Jesus Christ then it is going to have some impurities in it. Jesus has to take it and make it pure and the only place to do that is deep within the heart, once it has passed through all of our imperviousness and into the permeable parts of us. I think the impervious parts of us are the parts of us that still believe in many of the lies that the serpent has fed us over our lives.

As humans we are way more likely to be impervious because of past hurts and fear. After seeing the bubbling spring and how beautiful it was I want to pray that I will from now on be permeable. I want the living water to seep deep down into my heart so that I can be beautiful and bubbling from within. I can be pure because Jesus Christ lives within me and he is pure living water!

For me sometimes the overflow or the bubbling spring is tears. Because tears for me means I let go of all control and allow the Holy Sprit deep within and it cleanses me.

In the video Mr. Jones also says that Temples were built around springs. This means that people were drawn to the spring because it was pure and drinkable. I believe the more we allow the living water deep within the more people will want to be around us because we are giving off an air about us that others want to share in. Plus, if we are not bubbling over then people can drink from us and then comes the steam again!

Can we deplete our bubbling spring? Of course, we are afterall human. This is why we have to depend on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for more rain water each day. There is a promise for more when we are dry.

Isaiah 48:11 The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an every-flowing spring.

So, yet another promise to fill us up again and again!

You want to be a bubbling spring? Pray this with me!

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you because of what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross. I thank you for the water cycle and what it means to me. I pray that I will be permeable and allow your living water to reach the depths of my heart and that you will cleanse all of my impurities so that I will be a bubbling spring for you. Thank you for your love for me!

Living Loved and Freely,

P.S. Why does God use water to describe things? Because it is very adaptable. It can be a liquid, solid or a gas. More stories to come on water and walking with God.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wanna share in God's glory?

Has God ever seemed like a mean person to you? He has to me. Growing up I always believed thatGod would punish me if I did something wrong. I always believed he was just up there waiting for me to mess up so he could come down on me and say, "yep, you should have listened, I told you so."

Having this misconception of God has caused me some damage in my life. Some of that damage is when I find out truth about God, it causes me to say, "This is too good to be true!"

One of those truths that I've had a hard time believing because it DOES SOUND too good to be true is what this blog willbe about.

I recently read a book called, Keepers of the Seed by Sandy Hathaway
She says that God wants us to be His glory on the earth. She also defines His glory as meaning "simply to show thetrue nature, character, and attributes of someone (God)."

I'm going to check this out for myself.

Is that really possible that God wants me to share in his glory? Is it really possible that there is a time and place on this earth that I will share in his glory?

In Romans 8:17 it states, and since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.

First question: What is glory?
Answer: According to it means many things including very great praise, honor, fame, admiration, resplendent beauty, or magnificence, prosperity, state of absolute greatness, contentment, gratification. Feel free to check itout for yourself just click on this link: glory.

Second question: Do I want it?
Answer: Of course I do. Don't you?

Next question: How do I get it?

Chain of Events
God knew me before I was created, he planted within me desires, desires that were intended to draw me into a relationship withhim, therefore he chose me before I was born, the desire he gave me was to go to him and wanting to go to him, he gave me right standing with himself, through Jesus Christ, and because I have right standing, he gave me his glory!

Check out this picture of the sun before your read any further. Let's pretend that God is the sun. I know that he's not but let's imagine that he is. Any area within the circle surrounding the sun would be considered a part of the sun's glory.

In 1st John 1: 5 it states, "....God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. v 7. But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his son, cleanses us from all sin."

Romans 5:1-2 Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.

So, If God is the sun and because of Jesus Christ we have right standing with God, then we are standing within the realm of God's glory. We can have fellowship with God because of Jesus Christ. Which means if we areclose enough to God to fellowship with Him, then we are close enough to be within the circle or haloor anti corona, whatever it is you wanna call it.

So, I'm in fellowship with God and because of that I'm already sharing his glory. Notice in the picture you don't have to be too far away from the sun to get a piece of the glory.

Forth question: Howdo I bring glory to God on this earth?
Answer: Fellowship with God, hear his voice, obey, be who God created you to be!

I don't know about you but once I've figured out how much God loves me and wants to share his glory with me, I'd like to return a little something to him. The bible also says that people or we can give or bring glory to God. How does that work?

God, show me. I do not get it. How can I bring glory to you when I'm getting my glory from you. You are the light and because of you I'm able to shine or share in your glory. How can I, as human, bring glory to you?

Within 24 hours after I prayed the prayer of, Dear God, please show me how I bring glory to you. I need a visual. Please help me understand. He showed up in the most unexpected place. I am a teacher. I use an overhead projector. During class as students were working independently, I had my overhead projector on waitingfor them to finish up so we could move on. I looked down at the overhead projector glass and saw an anticorona. An anticorona is defined as "a luminous edging around the shadow of an observer or the point where his or her shadow would fall, as thrown by the sun upon a cloud or fog bank."

When I first saw this definition it was under the definition of the word glory. I had to search for an image of this and here is what I found.

What this reminded me of was something that my husband and myself have seen a couple of times in the clouds. Never understood what it was until now. What we would see is a very small section of the outer part of thisanticorona in the sky. It wouldn't be the color of a rainbow but an orangish, redish, yellowish section of light in the cloud. We would always ask, "where is that coming from?"

Back to my overhead projector. I saw, just like in the sky, a smigid of an anticorona and asked the question again, "where is that coming from?" which in return led me to look at the center of the glass where the light was bright and shinning and that's when it hit me. How we bring glory to God is when he causes us to share in his glory then we reflect it right back to him.

When we are at our best, being who God created us to be, fully human but fully fellowshipping with our heavenly father, we can't help but shine. When we shine, people ask, "where is that coming from?" The answer, of course, is from our creator! Our creator shines so therefore we do too! How we shine as humans is in many different forms.

All I know is that I want to share in God's glory so I can bring him glory but I also want the definition of glory too. I'm not about to admit that I just wanna do it for God cause that would be considered lying and I'm trying not to lie today!

Some people are really good at serving others. They are very good at doing for others and not expecting anything in return. God, has given them this gift. It doesn't burn them out to do it and people look at them and wonder how they can be so selfless. If this is you, this is how you bring glory to God.

Some people are really good at entertaining people. They shine on stage and it just comes natural to them. God, has given them this gift. If this is you, this is how you bring glory to God.

Some people are really good at writing. They can organize their thoughts well on paper. They write when they are inspired. God, has given them this gift. If this is you, this is how you bring glory to God.

In what ways are you brining glory to God and how are you sharing in God's glory?

Dear Heavenly Father,
I am able to bask in your glory because of your son Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to share in your glory and to also give glory back to you. Please help me to know who I am as your child and help me to bring you glory in all that I do.

Living Loved and Freely,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Dog gone good lovin'"

"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

I don't know who came up with that quote but it's a good one and it's a true one.

Have you ever been around a dog that has been abused by humans? You put out your hand to pet him, he cowers. You tell him to come to you, he turns away. You try to coax him with food, he whines. All he does for the first couple of days is just sit in the corner and watches your every move. He's just waiting to be hurt by you even though you're not the one who beat him.

After a couple of days pass and the dog has watched you relentlessly put food out for him, call him, and attempt to play with him, the dog decides to trust you just a little because the pain in his stomach is stronger then the will to not trust you. Plus, he's been around you the past couple of days and you seem harmless. You put food out and he gives you this look of fear as he slowly approaches the food bowl. Once he gets there and starts to eat, he is constantly turning back to look at you to make sure you are not going to punish him for eating.

After about a week or so, the dog will actually walk towards you with head down so you can pet him, although he still won't trust you enough to come when you call his name because before when he heard his name, he was being beaten or harshly spoken to. Finally, after a couple of weeks the dog will sit in your lap, sleep with you, wag his tail when you call his name and feel free enough in your home to pee on your carpet, knowing full well your love for him will keep him from being punished too harshly for his bad behavior.

Now, let's take this dog and turn him into human and turn his new owner into God.

You, in this lifetime, have been hurt. You've been beaten, raped, molested, cheated on, abandoned, or some other incredulous act that has not been viewed as a form of love by any means of human reasoning.

You've heard that there is a God. You sense there is more to life than what you see. But, you can't get past your hurt to believe there is a God, especially a God of love.

God, like the new owner of the dog, is putting food out for you, he is calling you by name and he is wanting to comfort you but you, like the dog, are too afraid because of past hurts to trust him. Not only trust him but trust his love for you.

So, how do you get to know God's love for you? How do you even begin to trust his love?

You do like the dog. Eventually, your starvation for truth and your starvation for a deeper satisfaction in this life will draw you to the food. Which could be church or his word. As you start to "partake" of his word you still will look behind you to make sure that punishment or hurtful things are not coming your way. When you see things are getting better, you will start to listen when God calls your name. You will find comfort in his arms. You will learn to trust his voice and obey him because you trust his love for you.

Of course, this trusting of his love doesn't come over night, just like it didn't come for the dog overnight either. It takes time and lots of it.

I'm speaking from experience. I've been the dog. I've been the one to not trust because I didn't understand or know God's love for me. I'm still not 100% living in his love for me but I'm learning to hear his voice when he calls, go to him and trust that he just wants to comfort me, bring me satisfaction and let me sit in his lap and rest. The more I go to him when he calls, the more I'm learning to trust his love for me. As I learn to trust his love, I learn to follow his leading. I want to be lead by someone who loves me and knows what's best for me.

Some people don't understand why people won't obey God. I truly believe it's because they don't understand or get God's love for them. I don't know about you but I'm not going to follow someone I don't trust. I'm not going to follow someone that I don't know loves me. How about you?

So, why would God let something bad happen to me in the first place? I don't have the answer for that. I wish I did. I do know this. The person that beat or hurt the dog was a mean person. I'm just thankful for the new owner who wanted to take the dog and love it, feed it and take care of it. My God is just that. I truly believe if you will just begin the process of trusting just enough to get a small bite to eat, you won't be disappointed.

I want you to know that God loves me, I can trust him and God loves you and you can trust him. Just give him a chance, just go to him and you will see!

God cares and he loves and once you figure that out, you will care how much he knows and that is the beginning of life!

Dear God, please let everyone who reads this begin to trust you and your love for them. I pray that from your glorious, unlimited resources that you will empower them with inner strength through your Spirit so that Christ will make his home in their hearts as they trust you. That their roots will grow down into your love and keep them strong. And may they have the power to understand, as all your people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep your love is for them. May they experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then they will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from knowing you (Ephesians 3:16-19)! Thank you so much for your love for me and everyone. In Jesus name, Amen.

Living Loved,

P.S. You know how once the dog gets comfortable with the new owner he feels free to pee on the carpet because he knows he won't get into trouble. Try not to do this, it will become a temptation to pee on the carpet because God's love for you is unfailing!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

37th Chapter and Snow

So, yesterday morning when I sat down with my first cup of coffee I felt a still small voice tell me to read Psalm 37.

So, I opened up my bible and flipping backwards to get there I stopped by Psalms 91. Very awesome chapter in the Bible! I read a little bit and then continued flipping to Psalms 37 which reads;

My heart pounds as I think of this. It trembles within me. Listen carefully to the thunder of God's voice as it rolls from his mouth. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightening flashes in every direction. Then comes the roaring of the thunder--the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain it when he speaks. God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We can't even imagine the greatness of his power.

He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down. Then everyone stops working so they can watch his power.

Vs: 13: He makes these things happen either to punish people or to show his unfailing love.

Now, for those of you who are Bible scholars and you are saying, "That's not in Psalms." Just stick with me for a moment!

My husband is a lover of the weather. He loves to tell me what the weather is going to do in the mornings. This morning was an exciting morning for him. "Elizabeth, there's a good chance it's going to snow today!"

So, imagine my surprise as I read in my bible about how God directs the snow to fall on the earth.

Now, for those of you who live anywhere it snows ALL the time and are "just sick of it"-- for us in Florida-- we hardly ever get to see it. Matter of fact, I think the last time it snowed in this part of Florida would have been in 1989!

Well, I went on with my day. I teach school and it was an early release day so we, as teachers, got to leave at 2:00p.m. I called my husband, who was at work and was supposed to leave his job at 5:00p.m., and asked if he could leave a little early.

He did. He got home at 3:15.

At 3:30, Dianna, my 20 year old, called us from Marianna, not too far, and said it was snowing. So, we loaded up the family and headed that way.

Watch this video for the rest of the story.

Oh, one more thing, I said I was on my way to Psalms 37 right?? Well, I THOUGHT that I was! I actually never did read Psalms 37 that day. I read it the next day and realized I was reading Job 37 the day before. Psalms 37 is something entirely different but I guess God lead me to the right page afterall! So the above scripture comes out of Job 37. Very relevant! Happy Valentines Day from God!

Living Loved,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

If I could touch you...

If I could touch you
what would you feel like?

Would you feel smooth and soft
like a petal on a rose
or rough and rigid
like a mountain stone?

Would it warm me so
to be in your arms
like my skin feels
after a day in the sun?

Would you feel like a tear
running down my face
or like the wind through my hair
as I'm running a race?

Would you feel cool and soft
like the sand outside
or warm and fuzzy
like the chair inside?

Would you feel like the coat
on the sheeps' back
or like my grandsons skin
after he's had a bath?

Would your touch feel
like grandpa's strong hand
from a long days work
from tilling the land?

Or like my grandmothers kiss
on top of my nose
that I wipe off
with the sleeve of my clothes?

Would you feel like the leather
that covers your word
that I touch and feel
when I feel inspired?

Or maybe your touch
is what I feel
as I turn the pages
of an inspiring tale?

Is it the feather pillow
that holds my head
as I rest at night
in my wonderful bed?

Is your touch my husband's breath,
as he holds me near?
Or the soft, silky feel
of my daughter's hair?

I wanted so deeply
to feel your touch
As I wrote this poem
I realized much!

That you touch me alot
throughout my day
In the way I need
in your own special way!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Ten what??

So, I'm sitting here this morning wanting to pray the prayer that says, "Dear God, thank you for this day. Please help me to do your will today instead of mine. Amen"

First thought that comes to mind after this prayer,
"Why do I feel like God is going to command me to do something I DON'T want to do."

Why do I have this view of God? Is this how God is? I'm not really sure. I do NOT understand. Then my mind just keeps going.....I do NOT understand God. I do NOT understand Jesus. I do NOT understand the Holy Spirit.

I've heard many things, read many things about God. What is the TRUTH? I need a SOLID FOUNDATION to stand on. This could be an UNDERstatement!

NOTE: (For those of you reading this that feel like you know me. Yes, I've attended church for most of my life and I've had a relationship with Jesus Christ for quite sometime but that doesn't mean that I'm exempt from being deceived. Matter of fact, I think this makes me more susceptible to being deceived. Why wouldn't the master of lies want to keep me confused about the goodness of God!)

For quite sometime now when I have a question about God in my attempt to get to know him better, before I open my Bible I say a little prayer, "God, help me understand where I'm confused. I want to know you better."

I was thinking about the passage in Romans about Jesus dying for us while we were still yet sinners. Romans 5:8. So, I, led by the Holy Spirit, decided to read the recap at the beginning of Romans that the translators of my Bible wrote. It says, "Like a skilled lawyer....Paul established a SOLID FRAMEWORK for UNDERSTANDING the broad scope of the gospel of Jesus Christ."

God is so cool. He listens and he responds!

I feel led here to make sure you caught the connection in what I was feeling this a.m. and what God showed me I needed to read. I needed a SOLID FOUNDATION of UNDERSTANDING!!!

So, I guess this may be Part One of my Solid Foundation of Understanding according to God using the apostle Paul in the book of Romans!

Dear God, help me to see and understand what you need me to see and understand at this point in my walk with you. Help me to know you more and help me to know how much you love me just the way I am.
  • Romans 2:4b Intention behind God's kindness=to turn me from sin.
  • Romans 3:29b Intention behind God's law=show me how sinful I am
  • Romans 3:22 Intention behind God's son=make me perfect in God's sight
Romans 3:28 We are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law. (I'm going to put all scripture in red)

Can we forget about the law?

Apostle Paul says, "only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law"

What the heck does that mean? "God, I don't understand this, show me."

Romans 3:31 Well then, if we emphasize faith, does that mean that we can FORGET about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.

Purpose of the law=show me I need a Savior.
Faith=believing that Jesus Christ came and died for me.

This is my rewritten version.....
Only when we believe in Jesus Christ do we truly fulfill the purpose of the law, which is to realize we need a savior!

If we forget about the law, we forget we need a Savior! The thankfulness for having a savior will start to disappear.

I don't know about you but I need to be reminded every day that if it was not for Jesus Christ I would be accountable to the law and I would be punished.

So, what I believe God wants me to do today: Print off the ten commandments and put them up in my family room.

Why? Not to obey them. NO ONE can obey these. Just try for one day! I heard someone once say that any form of living under the standard of the ten commandments is subhuman behavior. Well, I guess everyone is considered subhuman if that is the case! (Oh and by the way, I'd much rather be subhuman and need Jesus Christ then be human and not need him!)

My reason to display the ten commandments is so that I can be reminded that each and every day I WILL fail at trying to keep these laws and that I DO need a savior and that through God's love and kindness for me and you he gave us Jesus Christ!

One more thing, I have not felt joy this week. I've been run down with a head cold. I keep hearing there is joy in Jesus Christ. This week has been a week where I have definitely asked, "Where the heck is the joy?" Here is my joy, "Oh, what JOY for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what JOY for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin." Romans 4:7-8.

Back to God's will for me today. I believe he wanted me to rest in his love for me. Rest in the fact that there is nothing I can do today that will keep him from loving me. Rest in the fact that I am free from the law because of His love for me!

New title in the Bennett household for the Ten Commandments:
"The Ten Reasons to Thank God for Jesus Christ!"

Living Loved,


P.S. Feel free to join me in posting these in your home as a reminder of what Jesus Christ did for you! Just click on the link and you can print your own copy of the Ten Commandments.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is dedicated to my husband!

9 years ago I married a man

This man has brought me many things...


This man has taught me many things...

alot of vocabulary words
how to eat crab legs
to like cheesecake
to be less harsh
to live less selfishly

This man has bought me many things...

movies like Footloose and Ghost
popcorn and diet coke at the movies...everytime

This man has shared with me....

two beautiful daughters
a very cute grandson
a cup of coffee
a glass of wine
lots of conversation

This man has taken me places like....

Savannah, Georgia
Disney World
The Mountains
An American History excursion

This man has comforted me when....

I'm sad
I'm angry
I'm mad
I'm freezing
I'm disappointed

This man has prayed for me when....

I'm being attacked emotionally
I'm sick
I'm upset
I'm confused
I'm fearful

This man has lead me to...

the golf course
follow hard after God

This man has been a gentleman in......

his touch
his love
his warmth
his kindness
his selflessness

This man is my husband, Daniel C. Bennett, and I am so thankful to God to have him as my husband and so look forward to another year with him and I also believe that he is da MAN!

Happy Anniversary Daniel,

