Yep, It looked easy enough. Except. The lady was cutting her son's hair and he was probably 16 or 17 years old. My grandson is 20 months old!!
I decided to try it anyways. Needless to say he wouldn't sit still. I tried with the scissors and gave up. But then I got to looking and thought....wait, I can try to fix it with the clippers. I hope you are laughing out loud at this point.
I tried with the 1/2 inch clippers and needless to say did some serious damage. I was pretty upset about it when I looked at him and he had a big gap in the front of his bang area.
Now what do I do?? Well, I certainly didn't stop there. I put him in the tub and decided to finish the job while he was wet! Maybe he would stay preoccupied in the tub!
So, what did I learn from this experience?
1. Never do what a professional should do.
2. A 20 month old will not stay still even if he has an oreo in his hand.
3. Oreo cookies look nasty with hair on them.
4. My grandson doesn't care what his hair looks like.
5. My grandson loves me unconditionally.
6. Hair will grow back.
Last but not I was crying because I felt like I did my grandson a total injustice today he looked up at me with that great big smile of his and I was reminded that when I screw up... God, just like my grandson, still looks at me and smiles!

Living Loved,
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