Saturday, August 8, 2009

Return to Innocence

I've recently read a book called "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge

Not to give you all the book but just a tid bit....

He basically says that our hearts are good. God created us to be good. Adam and Eve, of course, sinned and that is what made our hearts bad. We are the children of our parents.....Adam and Eve that is.

He says that the lie the devil has told us all these years is that our hearts are bad. He says that God wants to restore our hearts to the good that He made when he created us.

We are attacked at the heart level. How many people can say they put their heart out there just so it could be broken into a thousand pieces. I know I've been there, done that! How many times have you put yourself out there just to get burnt in the long run. I don't blame anybody but the devil for all this heart breaking stuff. He is and has been trying to steal your heart, break it, whatever he can do to keep more lies going in and less truth going in.

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit--we all have heard that they are mending our broken hearts, come to set the captives free, died for us. Return us to a time when we were "okay" with who we were, we weren't ashamed of our bodies, we weren't ashamed of our sense of humor, we weren't ashamed to say, "hey, Mom and Dad watch this."

I don't know about you but nowadays I'm looking in the mirror saying...."that's not how the magazines say I'm supposed to look", or I'm saying something after a meeting, "see there, you didn't have anything of value to offer", or I'm saying, "You just can't get it right so why bother?"

God wants to bring me back. God wants to mend my broken heart. God wants to restore what was lost somewhere between age 12 and 30. He wants me to know I'm loved just the way that I was born. He wants me to know I'm loved just the way I am. I was fearfully and wonderfully made. He wants me to know I do have something of value to offer. He wants to speak Truth to my heart so I can replace those lies.

He wants me to Return to Innocence......

What's neat is that when I married Daniel I walked down the aisle (golf course) to the song called Return to Innocence by Enigma. I listened to that song yesterday and was amazed (tearfully so) that this song is so true to my walk with God and what he is wanting to do in my life. He's wanting to Wake the Dead (Me and You) and he wants to return us to Innocence!

Innocence for you may look different that mine. I see Innocence as a time when I wasn't ashamed of any part of me. I didn't care what other peoples views of me were, I was just me! My heart fully, wonderfully alive, not broken. I found the video to the song and thought it was really cool especially if you think about God taking you back to your true innocence. You know, your child like faith, the things you did when you were little and knew that was what you were going to do when you got older, the things that the devil has been trying to take from you! (I must say I'm not too sure about one part of it, but overall I liked the video enough to post it)

Oh, one more thing. I was totally pregnant with Bree when I married Daniel so... return to innocence?.... not so much at the time....I do believe that God is returning me to the heart he gave me when he formed me in my mothers womb! I'm a challenge for me....but not for God!

Living Loved,

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